Asbestos: Asbestos Causes, Side Effects and Prevention

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Asbestos: Asbestos Causes, Side Effects and Prevention


Various Industries have been using a naturally found mineral called Asbestos for its heat-resistant and insulating properties. They can bring serious health risks when released into the air and inhaled by humans. There is a strong link between lung cancer and the exposure of asbestos through scientific research.


Asbestos Causes:

 The following are some of the ways it contributes to the development of lung cancer.


Inhalation of Asbestos Fibers: 

These are microscopic, and once they are inhaled, they become lodged in the lungs as they become airborne when asbestos-containing materials are disturbed or damaged. 


Tissue Irritation and Inflammation:

The presence of asbestos fiber can also cause irritation and inflammation. The body’s natural defense mechanism combats these foreign fibers to break them down. Ultimately, this process damages lung tissues the most.


Formation of Asbestos Bodies: 

The formulation of asbestos bodies happens due to the persistence of Asbestos fiber in the lungs for a long time. These are the iron-coating proteins, and their presence is a hallmark of asbestos exposure.


Cellular Changes and DNA Damage:

Asbestos Fiber causes Chronic inflammation and irritation, which causes cellular and genetic changes in the lung cells. Ultimately, it results in uncontrolled cell growth, which is the main characteristic of cancer.


Development of Lung Cancer:

The accumulation of these genetic and cellular changes ultimately causes lung cancer over time. It is usually associated with the formulation of two types of lung cancer: small-cell lung cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer.


Asbestos Side Effects:

Here are some of the major side effects of it which should be avoided at any cost:



It is a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers over time, leading to breathing difficulties, coughing, and chest tightness.


Lung Cancer:

It is a well-known cause of lung cancer, having elevated risks in individuals who smoke, leading to persistent coughing, chest pain, and breathing problems.



It primarily affects the lining of the lungs and abdomen or other organs, resulting in chest pain, abdominal pain, etc.


Other Cancers:

Asbestos is also responsible for many other cancers like cancers of the larynx, esophagus, stomach, colon, and rectum, in addition to lung cancer and mesothelioma.


Asbestos Prevention:

To safeguard public health, preventing asbestos exposure is very important. Here are some of the potential vital measures and practices for avoiding asbestos exposure.


Identification and Assessment:

Asbestos is usually found in insulation, roofing materials, and other products used in construction, especially in older buildings. Identify those materials and conduct assessments in buildings, especially before renovations or demolitions.


Professional Handling:

Hire trained and certified individuals for asbestos inspection, testing, and removal by following established safety procedures.


Regulations and Compliance:

Individuals should adhere to local, regional, and national regulations for handling, removing, and disposing of asbestos-containing materials.


Safe Work Practices:

One should use safe work practices such as wetting materials to minimize fiber release, wearing protective equipment, and using appropriate tools when working with asbestos-containing materials.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Individuals dealing with asbestos-containing materials should use personal protective equipment to minimize the inhalation of asbestos fibers.


Training and Awareness:

There should be increased awareness among employees and the general public about the risks linked with asbestos and the importance of preventive measures.


Asbestos Removal:

The asbestos removal process should only be made by following the established procedures to minimize the release of fibers.


Proper Disposal:

Asbestos-containing materials should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.


Public Information:

Provide information to the public when renovations or demolitions of buildings with asbestos are being planned.



It's crucial to keep in mind that regulations and best practices for asbestos management may differ by location, so it's necessary to consult with local authorities and experts for guidance specific to your region. Regular monitoring and maintenance of asbestos-containing materials in buildings are also significant to prevent deterioration and fiber release over time.

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